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Best 5 penetration systems for 2021/2022

Almost all the ethical hacking systems rely on the Linux kernel, so the preferred operating systems for all types of hackers are always the Linux system - although the security-focused operating system is the best friend of the security analyst. But keep in mind that just owning this operating system does not make anyone hack expert - you should also learn some basic programming languages to enrich your knowledge in this area.

Note: The article is only for educational purposes.The operating systems listed are for educational purposes only. Do not attempt to use them if they are not legal. Do not use them to harm anyone or unauthorized access to any account you do not own. Use this program only to analyze your security. I do not take any responsibility for anything you do using these systems. Use at your own risk.

Preferred operating systems for penetration:

Kali Linux

Kali Linux, maintained and funded by Offensive Security Ltd, is one of the best known and preferred hacking systems used by hackers and security professionals. Cali is a distributer derived from Debian designed by digital forensics and penetration testing. Developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security through the redevelopment of BackTrack, their previous distribution of Linux-based Ubuntu.

Apart from desktop support, Kali Linux also has a custom project for compatibility and transition to Android devices, called Kali Linux NetHunter. When it comes to security tools, this top-of-the-line operating system is equipped with more than 600 pre-installed testing tools, constantly updated and delivered to different platforms such as ARM and VMware. Now Kali Linux is based on a rolling release model.


BackBox is distributed penetration test based on. This system provides penetration testing and security assessment oriented to provide a toolkit for analysis of information systems and networks as well as a full range of other tools needed for ethical hack tests.

It includes some of the most widely used security and analytical Linux tools to help security experts detect a hack. Including vulnerability assessment, criminal analysis and exploitation of changes.

Parrot Security OS

Parrot Security OS (or ParrotSec) is a GNU / LINUX system based on Debian. This Linux distribution was built for hackers to conduct penetration tests, vulnerability assessment, stealth, forensic analysis and incognito browsing. Developed by Frozenbox Team.

ParrotSec is a Linux cloud distribution. Unlike other ethical hacking systems, ParrotSec is a lightweight Linux distribution running on 265 MB of RAM, suitable for both 32-bit (i386) and 64-bit (amd64) On 32-bit old computers.

Live Hacking OS

Live Hacking OS is a Linux distribution full of tools for ethical hacking, penetration testing, and multiplication verification. Includes GNU GUI. There is a second type available that contains only a command line, and requires much less requirements.

DEFT Linux

DEFT means digital evidence and forensic toolkit, an open source distribution of Linux built around the DART software and on the Ubuntu operating system. It has been designed from the ground up to provide some of the best forensic tools used extensively by investigators, the military, and the police.

That's it !! If you think we're forgetting to add some other preferred operating systems to hackers, please comment below. We will soon add more hacking systems to the list.