If you want to receive a lot of traffic on your website, the site must be beautiful, brief, comfortable, and attractive to the user. Learn how to reach this result.
If you have a digital business on the Internet, or you really want to enter this market, it is important to know that having a website is very important to attract visitors and potential customers and achieve more sales, and from this point, we thought about writing this article about Web design.
Because in fact, it is not enough just to have a website on the Internet to win over potential customers, but it has to be an attractive, wonderful, user-friendly, and easy-to-use website.
It is very important to provide the user with the best browsing experience ever possible in order to ensure the chance of them returning to the same site and the likelihood that they will buy from you.
And when it comes to creating a user-friendly site, the design element has to be thought out, right? In the end, it is the element responsible for determining any first impression that the user will form upon entering the site, and in many cases, it is responsible for either the user to remain on the site or exit from it, continue reading and we really wish you the benefit.
What does web design mean?
Graphic design is a field of knowledge concerned with the creation and design of graphic models, whether for the virtual world, the internet world, or for the physical, physical world. This includes advertisements papers and flyers distributed in the streets about products and services, road signs, books, magazines ... and others.
It is worth noting that web design, web issues, and working on the web are matters that are constantly gaining importance in most countries, as they provide opportunities for personal and professional growth and open horizons for creativity and professionalism.
Certain elements related to the brand or brand such as the logo, visual identity, are also part of the responsibility of the graphic designer or graphic designer.
With the existence of the Internet, this very idea gave rise to the concept or profession of web design. It includes creating bits, forms, and visuals related to a specific website. Examples of these items include:
- Web pages or blogs
- Virtual stores
- Landing Pages
- Email
- Social media
- Software and digital tools
- Applications and more
A web designer's job is to use visual or visual resources to provide users with a very good browsing experience. This includes choosing colors, general layouts, or equipment, providing visual elements, being able to browse freely and comfortably on the site, easily usability ... and others.
As you can imagine, in addition to aesthetics, a web designer's job includes having knowledge of programming languages for web design and digital tools.
All this is to ensure that the website or any application works correctly and that the user remains satisfied with the use of the site.
What tasks does a web designer do
A web designer is a professional person responsible for applying their knowledge and science in the fields of web design to create web pages, tools, and online equipment.
This operator or specialist needs to ensure that all visual elements in the sites are compatible and in harmony with the characteristics of the company or brand audience. And every change or update in the scheme or method of using the site must be studied properly and in a distinct and careful manner in order to benefit the users and provide the best specific browsing experience.
In order to do this, in addition to knowledge in design areas and taking into account the visual aspects, a web designer also needs knowledge in languages such as HTML and CSS to update the site or tool used whenever the need arises.
What are the main elements of web design?
There are many elements that are part of the field of web design including:
Adaptability to the screen on which the website is opened
As you know, there are high percentages of users who resort to reading the content of websites and social media, depending on their mobile devices, and this is of great importance for an entrepreneur if he is planning to gain a large traffic on his site, so this matter must be taken into account when talking about the field Web design.
It is imperative that the website be easily viewable on any mobile device, regardless of the dimensions and size of the screen. Several outlines must be studied in order to help show all the elements and contents of the website without losing parts of them.
Knowing the content of the site at first glance
When we talk about web content, we must take into account the user's experience in reading the site, and this means that texts on the site, in the blog, or the different tool, must be a help for reading and not cause him discomfort, anxiety or fatigue.
There is a way to help in this is for the website to be user friendly, for the reader or browser to be able to read the website content, and this is what we usually call the eye scanning feature of the website's content, and to reach your site to this degree, we share with you some points:
- Avoid putting in large paragraphs of text.
- Write shorter sentences.
- Relink important passages of text to grab your reader's attention.
- Use points while talking about items or paragraphs.
When these points are taken care of, details like these help the audience understand the message you want to deliver and try to make reading your website a real pleasure.
The art of formulating letters (from a formal point of view) Typography
This aspect is important and talks about the method of entering text and the way the characters will look, their size, color, and others. That is, by focusing on this particular point, you can make it much easier for your audience to read, from the site or the application.
It may seem normal and superficial, but in fact, the interest in drafting letters and the shape that the letters take together is a very important matter and it is considered one of the elements that determine the extent of interest that your site can witness or not, and thus the ability of larger groups of people to read and enjoy that.
The typefaces and font type used must be suitable for reading on large and small screens, and should not cause visual disturbance, but must be in harmony with the rest of the content.
Website loading speed
Another important point that greatly influences the subject of web design is the loading time of the page or website.
It's really important that page content be downloadable quickly and simply:
People are in a hurry in our time, and you should not make them wait long for the entire content of the page to load. On the other hand, faster websites express better performance on cell phones, especially when you remember that there are huge numbers of users browsing websites on a mobile phone.
For this reason, lightweight images and optimized icons can help the website's content load faster.
Benefits of real interest in the field of web design for your site
Many benefits accrue to you from your interest in the field of web design, including:
It helps the company to become a reference in the market
For those who have a digital business on the Internet, a website is the audience's first point of contact with the brand. As such, it is very important that you take care of this matter in order to make the customer make a positive first impression on you.
When the site is not as professional as it should be, potential customers may not be able to enjoy a very good experience, however, they cannot feel much comfortable in dealing with you or the desire to establish partnerships, and then the likelihood that such people will search for another company that satisfies them increases. Their needs, and thus run the risk of losing customers.
On the other hand, if you take advantage of a very good web design, and it is concerned with making the user get a good experience, you will gain the trust of the user and then turn into a real reference in the market, and gain the trust of consumers.
Web design helps with SEO
When we say that web design helps in the SEO field, we mean that it helps you get a better ranking between search results in Google and other browsers, which means chances of gaining more business opportunities and gaining clients.
How many people go online every day in search of solutions to the problems they face? From here, you should realize the size of the opportunities in front of you if the pages of your site appear properly and well on the first page of Google, for example.
You get more revenue from your businesses
When the public has more confidence in your
business and brand, and your site appears on the first pages of Google, then it will really gain more visits as we mentioned.
And when these people enter your site and have a wonderful browsing experience, the chances are that they will decide to buy from you and deal financially with you, and all this increases the returns on investment and achieve more sales.