In order to start your site, you need to host your site and hosting is the first thing that you pay for money at all times.
But there are many people who want to create their website without paying any money. The reason for their desire not to spend money is due to two reasons in most cases.
First, the person does not own the money, and the second reason is the lack of a method by which the person pays the value of hosting the site.
So there is no other way for this person than to get free hosting.
On today's topic, I will arrange the best free hosting companies in the world.
Is free hosting good?
Before I mention the best free hosting companies, I advise you not to use free hosting but rather to use paid hosting. And the reasons behind this, I will mention the most important ones in the following points:
Hosting resources are limited and very few. Companies display ads on your site. No technical support from hosting. Protecting your site is very weak. There is no backup for your site before hosting. Domain is not professional (it is a sub-domain).
The ability to close your account and delete your site at any time without prior notice.
In addition to many other reasons that make using free hosting for your site a very bad idea, especially if the site you want to create is an important site for you. But even so there is sometimes a good idea to use free hosting.
When is using a free hosting a good idea?
In general, using free hosting for your website is a good idea if you want to get free hosting in order to learn and practice using the hosting control panel or training to use a specific script. So using free hosting is a good idea in case you don't care about your website and use hosting for the purpose of learning only. Other than that, you must make a paid hosting.